Football Manager FaceGens

This is a small selection of FaceGen images I have created for use in Football Manager 2011. Some are famous, some are forum members on the Football Manager forums here and some are simply randomly created faces. The images are in two different styles : Head Only style and Shirt style (i.e. head and shoulders). The links below will take you to the relevant page for each style (opens a new page).

All images are 180 x 180 pixels transparent .png which is the correct size for player pictures in game. Although FM2011 uses a smaller size for manager & staff pictures it will resize these perfectly happily in game and they will look fine.

New images may be added from time to time and also posted on the FM2011 forums in the Skinning Hideout in The Football Manager Regen Faces Database thread, where you'll find more excellent faces created by other forum members, along with links to instructions on how to use these faces in your game.

Feel free to use these images in game but please do not include these images in any megapacks, etc. without my express permission.

Credit is given to O'Leary's Trainee for his excellent hair packs for use with FM2011. Some of these images use elements of his hair packs.

If you have a face you would like created, or you just want to leave me some feedback, I can be contacted on the forums under the username Straightenout. You will generally find me in the Skinning Hideout.


Nicolas Cage
Alan Davies
Nicolas Cage
Alan Davies
Manny Quinn (R01)
Will Smith
Ray Winstone
Will Smith
Ray Winstone